Monday, March 12, 2012

Spring is nearly here.  Our daffodils are in bloom.  I sat outside today with my favorite stamping magazine and enjoyed this warm and gorgeous weather.  My neighborhood consists of McMansions and old farm houses.  On my walk today, I passed a house that had a 1785 historic marker.  We live on a boxwood farm. There's lots of land and lots of woods.  When the leaves all bloom, we won't be able to see another house.

I've been energized with this change of seasons approaching and have been making all kinds of cards.
I found some paper and embellishments which sparked a flood of card making ideas.  I'll post some of my latest cards and also some of what I call home.  Hope you enjoy the week and the upcoming Spring season!


  1. so happy to have found your blog, your writing and work is so full of inspiration...

  2. Thanks so much Winterdays! I have been away from blogging due to some medical issues, but I'm back and ready to blog:) I'm hoping to revamp my blog when I return from vacation. I leave tomorrow for nearly two weeks. Sharon
